3 Tesla MRI

What is a 3T MRI?

Like traditional MRI, the 3 Tesla MRI is a radiation-free procedure that uses magnets and radio waves to take pictures of soft tissues, bone, fat, and muscles. However, for some patients, the advanced 3T MRI machine can offer higher quality images and faster procedures.

Clearer Images

The 3T magnet is the strongest magnet available, so it provides the sharpest images of any MRI machine. Patients who are experiencing neurological issues, small joint issues or other conditions that require very detailed images can benefit from the 3T’s enhanced pictures.

Faster Procedures

Large organs that don’t require extreme detail can be imaged faster. A traditional MRI takes about 30 minutes. With a 3T MRI screening, a similar procedure may only take 15–20 minutes. This is especially helpful for people who are experiencing severe pain.

Reducing Anxiety

MRIs can be difficult for people who are claustrophobic, obese, elderly, in significant pain or experiencing limited mobility. Our Wide Bore 3T MRI machine offers a wider opening and a shorter tube length for maximum comfort.

3T MRI  is most commonly used for imaging:
Prostate Gland

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